Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anzar, anzar, anzar

Rain, rain, rain. Its been raining everyday for some time now. We haven't had people or animals dying in my town like is the case in other parts of my province, but there have been many crops lost and just LOTS of flooding. I bought my veggies in a very muddy souk today. But my biggest problem thus far has been my leaky roof. I know this may not be of much interest to anyone, but seriously, a leaky roof is no fun.
Last night I awoke around midnight because little drops of water were falling on my pillow! I had to rearrange all my furniture(ponjs, table, and rug) so that nothing would be in the path of the leaks(all 10 or so of them!) My poor mud house... I think that my landlord is probably mixing mud and straw(hay) right now to remedy this small mushkil (problem).
Hopefully this rain eases up a bit because there are many areas that are super flooded and many people are losing their homes.

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