Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today is the first official day of Ramadan. What better way to find out than a glaring wake up call at 2:30am??? I had just managed to fall asleep when suddenly I was woken by drumming outside by house. Now this isn't the type of town that has belligerent youth coming home at 2am banging on drums...so I automatically surmised that this was on official annoucement of the beginning of Ramadan. It was a sole drummer just walking by all the houses, making sure he was heard by everyone.
I was informed by my host family yesterday that today we would begin our month of fasting. For almost a month now members of my community have been asking whether I will fast ( or 'zum' in Tamazight) for Ramadan. I tell everyone the same thing: "iyeah inchallah" or yes if god wills it. This is my way of saying that I will try it but make no promises to fast the entire month. I ate a lot last night like my host mother advised me to but I didn't eat the meal before sunrrise this morning...so I am a bit hungry already and its 1:30pm. I can't eat or drink (or put on chapstick) until sundown today...so about 8pm.
Its day one and its harder than it seems.
Inchallah this gets easier...


Unknown said...

i like so the style which you tell your daily here in morocco,specially in this article,but did you know what we called the man who bagging on drums....it's " NEFFAR"
have a good time ;)

Anonymous said...

dude, that's gnarly. I would be sneaking food every chance I got....I'm not one for following the rules, but those of my stomach.