Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The 9 Person Taxi

I just rode in a taxi with 8 other people. You may be wondering how this is possible... Is it a giant taxi? or is it a super magical taxi resembling mary poppins bag? The latter is closer to the truth. how do you get 9 people into a 6 person car??? this is how: you super squish 5 people in the back seat (i couldnt feel my legs i swear) and of course theyre not youre normal size people; some of them have to be those hefty country women. then you put 2 guys in the passenger seat and finally you have the driver in his seat with another man sitting to his left. yep. thats how you get 9 people into a taxi.

later i can tell you about 27 people in a large minivan or transit as we call them here.

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